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Do I Need Alcohol Addiction Treatment Tampa?

Do I Need Alcohol Addiction Treatment Tampa

Do I Need Alcohol Addiction Treatment Tampa?

One of the hardest things is admitting when it’s time to ask for help, especially when you’re not even sure if you need it. Maybe you’ve noticed that you are buying alcohol more often or in larger bottles than you used to. Maybe your weekend trips to the bar have turned into outings several times a week.  Perhaps, you just have a feeling that something needs to change but you are not even sure where to start.

Just the fact that you are asking yourself,  “Do I need alcohol addiction treatment Tampa?” may be a sign that it is time to talk to your health care provider about alcohol use disorder.

What is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol use disorder is a  medical condition that is often diagnosed when a person’s drinking causes distress or harm. Excessive alcohol use may affect many areas of your life:

  • Relationships with friends and family;
  • Decisions in social settings;
  • Professional performance or job stability; and
  • Mental and emotional well-being.

If alcohol use is affecting one or more areas of your life, you may be living with alcohol use disorder. You are not alone. In the United States, approximately 17 million people over the age of 18 have an alcohol use disorder.[1]

How Do I Know If I Need Alcohol Addiction Treatment Tampa?

Knowing when to ask for help is difficult. It may feel like you are failing and that you are a disappointment to yourself or others. On the other hand, you may like your life the way it is but everyone around you keeps telling you it’s time to change. If you are wondering if it is time to seek help, it probably is.

Following are the top three signs that it may be time to make some changes:

  1. Alcohol is affecting your job and/or your health;
  2. You feel like you can’t get through your day (or night) without alcohol; or
  3. Your friends and family tell you that there might be a problem.

Additionally, if you have experienced any of the following in the past year, consider talking to your health care provider about alcohol addiction treatment:[2]

  • Drinking more often, for longer periods, or more alcohol than you intend to;
  • Tried unsuccessfully to cut down or quit drinking on your own;
  • Often have “hangovers” or disrupting your daily life from the effects of drinking;
  • Kept drinking even though it is causing challenges with your family or friends;
  • Ignored commitments or things that made you happy so you could drink;
  • Taking risks you normally wouldn’t when you are not drinking (impaired driving, unprotected sex, experimentation with other drugs);
  • Continued drinking in excess to feel deeper effects of the alcohol; or
  • Had signs of withdrawal when the alcohol started to wear off (shakiness, confusion, headaches, irritability).

Your health care provider may conduct an assessment called Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) to determine the severity of alcohol use and determine the appropriate level of treatment.[3] Based on the results of the screening, your health care provider will provide you with some education and talk to you about treatment options.

What Are My Treatment Options?

Treatment programs are as unique as the individuals seeking treatment however, the first step in any program is detox. A supported detox program offers clinical therapy and other holistic therapies to help your body and your mind gently recover while your system is cleansed of alcohol. Abruptly quitting alcohol without support may lead to adverse health effects and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

After detox, it is important to continue with outpatient or residential treatment. Residential treatment following detox supports you with holistic therapies in a relaxing environment and allows you to focus on yourself while developing healthier habits for both your mind and body.

Residential treatment allows you to step outside the stress of your daily environment and focus on future goals and creating healthier habits. Breaking the cycle of addiction takes more than just quitting alcohol, it takes learning to live a happy, fulfilling life without alcohol supported by diverse therapies.

If you are concerned about how much time you can be away from work or family, a two-week residential stabilization program can be effective in developing a treatment plan and helping you down the road to recovery.

Spring Gardens Recovery, Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Tampa is here to help!

If you still have questions about whether or not alcohol addiction treatment is right for you, reach out to your health care provider or Spring Gardens Recovery today for help.


[1] https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/treatment-alcohol-problems-finding-and-getting-help#1

[2] https://medlineplus.gov/alcoholusedisorderaud.html

[3] https://www.samhsa.gov/sbirt

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